1. 大學指定科目考試今天(8)放榜,今年有7萬3000多名考生完成登記志願,招生名額大約有6萬7000多個名額,考生錄取率大約91%。考生可上分發會網站,輸入准考證號碼或身分證號碼,查詢錄取結果和最低錄取標準。
Result of the university entrance exam will be announced today. More than 73,000 students filled in their designated choices of departments and schools. In total, there are 67,000 vacancies. The admission rate is 91%. Test-takers can log onto the score announcement system by applying their ID number or the number on their exam permit. Afterwards, they can search for the admission results and the lowest qualification standards.
2. 教育部表示,法國提供高等學院預備班進修名額,希望吸引臺灣數理優秀學生就讀,大約5年就可以拿到碩士學位;今年將在9月甄選,只考數學1科,預計10月底公布成績;通過甄選的學生,預備班兩年學費全免。
According to the Ministry of Education, scholarship opportunities are now available in the preparatory classes for higher education in France. The aim is to attract students from Taiwan who are good at math or physics. A Master’s Degree can be obtained in about five years’ time. The selection will be made in September, and only math is tested. The result will be announced in late October. Students who are qualified after the selection will be exempted from tuition fees for two years while studying in France.
3. 行政院長吳敦義昨天(7)南下彰化,參觀彰化慈生仁愛院,與10多名院童共進午餐,院童特別端出院內老居工坊製作的蛋糕,幫吳敦義過父親節,吳敦義也許下「人人平安健康」的願望。
Premier Wu went to Changhua yesterday. He visited Tsi-Shen care center and had luncheon with more than 10 children at the center. These children specifically offered a cake made by the bakery in the center and celebrated Father’s Day with Premier Wu, who then wished everyone safe and healthy.
4. 臺中市慶祝100年父親節暨模範父親表揚大會,昨天(7)在新市政中心集會堂舉行,42位模範父親接受市長胡志強表揚,胡志強形容偉大的父親像大樹一樣,爸爸好,家裡一定會好,臺中市的下一代就會更好。
To celebrate the Father’s Day in 2011 and to award fathers who can act as the others’ role models, Taichung city held a ceremony in its municipal center. 42 fathers were awarded. In describing those who have being great fathers in their families, Mayor Hu indicated when there are marvelous fathers, there are incredible families, then, the future generations of those living in Taichung city will be even better.
5. 為了解除日本民眾吃到輻射牛的疑慮,日本當局設立輻射牛檢索網站,讓消費者自行上網確認買到的牛肉是否安全。日本當局表示,消費者一旦查出購買到必須回收的牛肉或是追蹤調查牛肉,就不要食用,並且應該立刻與相關的政府機構,進行連繫。
To alleviate worries from the residents in Japan as they may consume beef contaminated by the nuclear radiation, the Japanese authority has established a website for the country’s residents to verify if the beef they have bought is clear from nuclear radiation and edible. According to the Japanese authority, when the consumers find beef that should be reclaimed or investigated, they should not eat such beef. Instead, they should report such cases to the related Japanese government offices immediately.
6. 美國中南部遭熱浪席捲,乾旱高溫持續,氣象專家指出,這一波旱象可能持續到十月底,如果出現「反聖嬰現象」,乾旱甚至可能延到明年。其中,受災最嚴重的是德州,當地降雨只有往年的4成,許多湖泊已乾涸見底,當局說,這是60年來最嚴重的乾旱。
In the central and southern parts of the US, heat is prevalent. Drought and high temperatures continue. According to the meteorologists, the heat can last until late October. When the anti-El Nino (or La-Nina) occurs, the drought can perpetuate until the next year. Among all the regions in the US, the most serious condition has taken place in Texas, with the precipitation merely 40% in comparison with the previous years. Many lakes are already empty. According to the local authority, the drought is the most serious in the past six decades.
(2011-08-08 09:34:16 洪秋玉)